Using Guest Blogging as a Link Building Strategy

Guest blogging can be a powerful tool for building backlinks, boosting brand authority, and driving targeted traffic to your website. But it can also be time-consuming and challenging to do it right.

That’s where outsourcing guest posting comes in. By working with a reputable agency, you can tap into a network of experienced bloggers and outreach experts who can help you find and secure high-quality guest blogging opportunities. Outsourcing guest posting can be a great way to take your link-building strategy to the next level.

Due to, what feels like constant algorithm updates from the all-mighty Google, the next big thing in SEO is now as unpredictable as tarot reading from Mystic Meg!

Since the rollout of Panda in 2011, followed by Penguin in 2012 and many other updates, many websites’ rankings virtually dropped overnight and found themselves penalised for rebelling against Google’s Webmaster Guidelines and using rogue techniques, including black hat SEO, duplicate content and spammy backlink profiles.

Meanwhile, link building has had to evolve to adapt to Google’s new habitat and has found itself moving away from traditional directory submissions and PR5 comments towards a new world of authoritative blog posts, in-context links, advertorials and social signals.

The New World of Guest Blogging and Blogger Outreach
Many sites affected by Google’s black-and-white fiend turned to guest blogging with hopes of regaining their pre-penguin positions in the SERPs: A technique that has proved successful at increasing website authority and quality visitor traffic to a site, as well as increasing brand awareness and influencing others in your respected niche.

As the hype began to build around guest blogging, Matt Cutts posted a video in which he abstractedly touched on the benefit of guest posting for SEO. But how long until Google favours a new flavour of the month?

It only took Matt Cutts one month from the release of his guest blogging video above to hint that guest posting may only be a quick fix if not done correctly and that sites using spammy guest blogging, poor syndication and article spinning will be penalised.

The Future of Link Building
Unfortunately, unlike Mystic Meg I cannot look into my crystal ball and predict what spanner Google will throw in the works next. Like a ticking time bomb, it is only a matter of time before a new algorithm update is rolled out and link builders and SEOs are again thrown into digital Armageddon.

However, I think it is safe to say that guest blogging looks set to become a staple of any successful link-building campaign for the foreseeable future, as long as posts are done correctly and placed on relevant niche websites, with in-context links and original, readable and shareable content.

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